AoI-Oriented Content Caching and Updating in Maritime Internet of Things


Caching popular contents at the base station (BS) in maritime Internet of Things (IoT) networks makes sensor nodes be free from frequently responding to user requests, which can remarkably save the energy consumption of sensor nodes. However, to ensure the freshness of contents, cached contents need to be updated periodically. Frequent content updating can minimize the age of information (AoI) of contents while increase the energy consumption of sensor nodes. To make a better tradeoff between the AoI and energy consumption, in this paper, both the cache placement and content updating interval are jointly optimized to minimize the weighted sum of AoI of contents and energy consumption of sensor nodes. As the formulated problem is a mixed integer nonlinear programming problem, the cache placement and the content updating interval are alternatively optimized. For the cache placement problem, a local optimal solution is achieved via the binary constraint reformulation and successive convex approximation. For the content updating problem, the optimal solution with semi-closed form is derived. Simulation results show that our proposed algorithm outperforms other benchmarks in terms of the weighted sum of AoI and energy consumption.

2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference