DT-Assisted Multi-point Symbiotic Security in Space-air-ground Integrated Networks


In this paper, we investigate the secure transmission of multi-resource heterogeneous radio access networks (RANs) in space-air-ground integrated network (SAGIN) from the perspective of physical layer security. Considering the network heterogeneity, resource constrain, and channel similarity, it is challenging to implement the physical layer security in SAGIN. Particularly, digital twin (DT) is considered in the cyberspace of SAGIN to reflect the physical network entities (i.e., satellite, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), and terrestrial base station), which is assumed to comprehensively control and manage the heterogeneous RANs’ resources. To ensure secure transmissions of multi-tier heterogeneous downlink communications in SAGIN, a multi-point symbiotic security scheme is proposed through DT-assisted multi-dimensional domain synergy precoding, where the co-channel interference due to spectrum sharing among these heterogeneous RANs is recast to unevenly corrupt the main and wiretap channels of each legitimate user. Specifically, to realize the multi-point symbiotic security, a max-min problem is formulated to maximize the minimum secrecy rate of three heterogeneous downlinks. Since this problem is non-convex and challenging, a list of mathematical reformulations is derived and the successive convex approximation (SCA) based multi-dimensional domain synergy precoding algorithm is proposed to solve it. Moreover, the computational complexity of our proposed approach is analyzed and meaningful discussions are made. In addition, extensive simulations are carried out to evaluate the secrecy rate performance and verify the efficiency of our proposed approach.

IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security