Physical Layer Security in Cybertwin-Enabled Integrated Satellite-Terrestrial Vehicle Networks


In this paper, we investigate the secure vehicle communications in cybertwin-enabled integrated satellite-terrestrial networks, where the digital twins (DTs) in the cybertwin space reflects the physical entities (i.e., satellite, terrestrial base station (BS), and vehicles). Particularly, considering the channel similarity between different satellite links versus the randomness difference in terrestrial links, it is challenging to reach the secure transmission in satellite and terrestrial links independently with limited resources. Considering the information exchange in the cybertwin space can support an information sharing between such physical entities, the secure transmission design by using the heterogeneous satellite-terrestrial resources can be conducted from a global perspective. With the channel feedback information of vehicles gathered at the cybertwin, the co-channel interference caused by the spectrum sharing is leveraged to assist the implementation of secure transmissions in the integrated satellite-terrestrial vehicle network. Specifically, the problems of maximizing the secrecy rate of satellite-to-vehicle link and the terrestrial BS-to-vehicle link are formulated, respectively. To solve such two problems, we propose two corresponding beamforming optimization approaches, where semi-definite relaxation (SDR) and semi-definite programming (SDP) are adopted due to the non-convexity. In addition, the tightness of SDR is proved and the complexity of proposed approaches is also analyzed. Finally, extensive numerical simulations are carried out and results show the effectiveness of our proposed approach.

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology