Knowledge-Driven Resource Allocation for Wireless Networks: A WMMSE Unrolled Graph Neural Network Approach


This article proposes a novel knowledge-driven approach for resource allocation in wireless networks using the graph neural network (GNN) architecture. To meet the millisecond-level timeliness and scalability required for the dynamic network environment, our proposed approach, named UWGNN, incorporates the deep unrolling of the weighted minimum mean-square error (WMMSE) algorithm, referred to as domain knowledge, into GNN, thereby reducing computational delay and sample complexity while adapting to various data distributions. Specifically, by unrolling the WMMSE algorithm into a series of interconnected submodules, UWGNN aligns closely with the optimization steps of the algorithm. Our analysis reveals the effectiveness of the deep unrolling method within UWGNN, which decomposes complicated end-to-end mappings, leading to a reduction in model complexity and parameter count. Experimental results demonstrate that UWGNN maintains optimal performance with computation latency 3–4 orders of magnitude lower than the WMMSE algorithm and exhibits strong performance and generalization across diverse data distributions and communication topologies without the need for retraining. Our findings contribute to the development of efficient and scalable wireless resource management solutions for distributed and dynamic networks with strict latency requirements.
